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MFM Blog

Nora Walsh Kerr
May 1, 20232 min read
Speaking Vs. Storing
Sharing our personal history with someone else is equal parts thrilling and scary. Sometimes it takes some convincing of our loved ones...

Nora Walsh Kerr
Apr 1, 20232 min read
Bridging Distances
Are you moving or separated by distance from family? You hope to visit often. You’ll call and write. But life often gets in the way of...

Nora Walsh Kerr
Mar 1, 20232 min read
Tips for Life Story Excavation
Some people love to talk about themselves. We all know them! They have stories for days and love to have a willing audience. They hold...

Nikki Howard
Mar 30, 20222 min read
Making Up for Lost Time
by Nikki Howard Over the past year of working on client stories and seeing the photos they choose to incorporate into their projects has...

Nora Walsh Kerr
Oct 29, 20212 min read
Don't Wait
I’ve had a few conversations lately about how people have a tendency to hold their stories until the very end, or even worse, until it’s...

Nora Walsh Kerr
Sep 28, 20211 min read
Keep Things Interesting
I've heard a lot of life stories these past few weeks and I'm constantly reminded how much of our lives are really up to chance. Sure,...

Nora Walsh Kerr
Aug 28, 20202 min read
Look Harder
I had a few interviews with cancer survivors this week, which never fails to bring up all the emotions. Fear. Sadness. Hope. Acceptance....
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