Sharing our personal history with someone else is equal parts thrilling and scary. Sometimes it takes some convincing of our loved ones to participate in such an experience. Sure, it's fun to revisit the happy moments in a life, the successes and promotions, the prodigy and the pedigrees. But what about the painful parts in our lives? How often do we revisit our failures, mistakes and broken hearts? These memories do not cease to exist just because they are untapped. They hide in the shadows of our mind, and for some, the collective weight of it all can become too much to bear alone. Could you or someone you know benefit from speaking your stories?

What if we looked at our past with more curiosity and kindness? Pull the curtains open to reveal the old trophies, dust bunnies, and baggage and look at that collective life experience from a different perspective. One that's older and perhaps more wrinkly, but infinitely more wise. Then look at that same mixed bag of memories from the eyes of our kids and grandkids, who could gain so much from that learned experience.
We all know that nobody has a perfect life. So by extension, no one has a perfect story. It isn't all tied up with a bow, happily ever after. The best interviews I've been lucky to witness are with clients who share it all: moments of joy, sadness, pride, pain, and everything in between. We make connections and draw meaning from moments, good and bad, right then and there. It's a humbling and meaningful experience to speak your story, all of it, and reveals a deeper understanding of ourselves and our loved ones with every word.